Robyne West
Character Animator with extensive Feature Film experience looking for the next big adventure!
Extensive experience on various feature films with a wide range of styles, professional production environments and pipelines, utilizing Autodesk Maya and Proprietary Software.
Utilizing independent Maya rigs to demonstrate physicality and body mechanics in humanoid characters.
Utilizing independent Maya creature rigs to demonstrate quadruped movement, weight and characteristics.
I always thought I’d be a veterinarian and so I enrolled in the Zoology program at University.
One day while staring at a chicken embryo, I had an existential crisis when I realized this was not for me.
With my future uncertain, my mother suggested I take some art courses and ‘try out new horizons’. And so I did.
I loved my first art class – learning to draw cubes in perspective – so much so that my teacher (wonderfully, patient man) suggested I pursue it further.
Unfortunately, my next teacher was considerably less than ‘stellar’. She offered no advice or instruction on how to improve and hated everything I did.
Feeling defeated and rudderless, she walked up to me, looked at my work and asked rhetorically, ‘Have you ever considered a career in animation?!’ She meant it as a hurtful joke and the whole class laughed.
I didn’t. In fact, it had to be the most singular ‘light bulb’ moment of my life!!!!
I packed up my stuff and as I bolted out of her class, shouting over my shoulder, ‘THANK YOU!!!!’
I ran home promptly and announced to my family that I was going to be an animator!
Little did I know, that day set me on a path to a career I’ve absolutely loved. My passion and drive has seen me through a start in 2D animation until the call to 3D animation led me to the next progression in my career.
I set out to learn Maya on my own (talk about a challenge!) and it paid off!
I got into the 3D Feature Film Industry where I’ve been ever since.
Now the animation world has opened up into so many new avenues and facets, I’m excited to see where the next steps will take me, who I will meet along the way and what we’ll build together!